So I encapsulated the objects within the test, but still having an issue that doesn't make sense...
To recap, the trigger is: trigger RecruiterAppReview on Application__c (after update) { /******** * When an application status is changed to 'complete and ready for review' and the * application has not been withdrawn, a task needs to be created for the recruiter to * review the application. ********/
List<Task> followupTasks = new List<Task>();
// Generate a list of tasks to be generated
for (Application__c appl : {
if (appl.Application_Status__c == 'Complete and Ready for Review' && appl.Withdrawal_Reason__c == null) {
Task tasks = new Task(
WhoId = appl.Counselor_Id__c,
Description = 'Review Application',
Priority = 'High',
ReminderDateTime =,
Status = 'Not Started',
Subject = 'Application Review');
// insert the entire list
if (followupTasks.size() > 0) {
insert followupTasks;
The new test class is:
private class RecruiterAppReviewTest {
static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
// Create Student
Contact c1 = new Contact(
FirstName = 'Test',
LastName = 'TestStudent');
insert c1;
//Id contact_id = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1];
// Create Application
Application__c a1 = new Application__c(
Student__c = [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1],
Student_Type__c = 'First Time UG',
Full_or_Part_Time__c = 'Full-Time',
Active_Application__c = true,
Application_Status__c = 'Incomplete-Items Missing');
insert a1;
// Test Task
a1.Application_Status__c = 'Complete and Ready for Review';
update a1;
Problem is with trying to assign Student_c to [Select c.Id from Contact c where c.LastName = 'TestStudent' limit 1]. I am getting Invalid initial expression type for field Application_c.Student__c, expecting: Id. I thought that is what I was giving it...
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.