I wanted to get list of chatter group that do not any posts and comments posted in last 6 months, so that we can take some action on those.
2 Answers
Just have to query the groups that have no FeedItems that were created in the last 6 months
Something like this should work
Date sixMonthsAgo= system.today().addMonths(-6);
List<CollaborationGroup> myGroup = [Select c.Name, c.Id From CollaborationGroup c
Where Id NOT IN (SELECT ParentId FROM CollaborationGroupFeed Where CreatedDate >: sixMonthsAgo)];
I'd just wait, actually. Winter 14 will see the capability of archiving Chatter groups appear in Chatter. From the release notes:
"By default, groups are set to archive automatically if there are no new feed posts or comments for 90 consecutive days. Groups are reviewed for feed activity and automatically archived on a weekly basis.Group owners, group managers, and users with the "Modify All Data" permission can manually archive and activate groups, or enable and disable automatic archiving for a group at any time."
Begin educating your users today, because you know who they will come to when they suddenly see some group they created six months ago archived.
1You can create a report on Chatter Groups which have LastFeedModifiedDate greater than n days. You could use such a report to assess which groups would be candidates for archival when Winter'14 arrives for greater than 90 days of dormancy. Commented Sep 18, 2013 at 23:28