My Requirement: For existing/New Lead when Auto_disqualify__c field is checked, then I should disqualify this Lead in 5 business days if its not acted in meantime i.e. disqualify it if status is Open on 5th day.
Process Builder Sol: In criteria I tried to check for Auto_disqualify__c = True and then in immediate Action I am assigning Today() value in date field (Dt_Start_Auto_Disq__c). In Scheduled Action, set time for Action to Execute, I am giving 0 days after 5_Business_days__c (a formula field that considered Sat and Sun on Dt_Start_Auto_Disq__c field). On the Scheduled Action, update record I am just changing Status = Disqualified after performing Status check if its Open.
The issue is process building does all the above but during the 5 days when Lead is converted to Contact then I get below error:
Error: Unable to convert lead that is in use by workflow
Is there any workaround or other fix besides Apex?