I've created a site in salesforce. i.e. force.com site.

Currently my site URL is like this : https://mysandbox-mycompany.cs1.force.com

But after moving this site to production. I want my website name should be my company name like. www.mycompamy.com

I don't want force.com or any other word in website URL . How we can do it.

Please guide.


1 Answer 1


You can also forward whatever domain you want to the salesforce url. For example, when a user types in www.yourcompany.com it forwards to the salesforce production site automatically. Depending how your domain is set up, this should not be to difficult to do.

  • How can i do? I read the above provided link also, but its not clear to me.
    – Amol
    Commented Mar 30, 2017 at 10:05

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