I am trying to sign-up to the Partner Community to get an ISV Partner Account

I filled all the needed data

But I am getting this error about my email

Please correct the following error(s):

This email domain is restricted from signing up for our Partner Program.


Any idea about this issue?

1 Answer 1


Partner Community sign up requires you to use corporate email address .Signing using gmail or yahoo mail or outlook will is not allowed .Only way i have managed to get access to a partner community is by using a corporate email .

  • 1
    So we can't put an app on the AppExchange store as a freelancer :( ?
    – benahm
    Commented Mar 24, 2017 at 14:36
  • 2
    You can but you need to create a business mailId .There are plenty that can provide a business mail account for very low price .I know few like bluehost.com and name.com/email .They all cost very less .If you have your own domain its not hard to sign up for a business email .The other approach is obviously reach out to salesforce and ask them for an emailId .I am sure they would provide you one . Commented Mar 24, 2017 at 14:47
  • You can use @googlemail.com which bypasses the validation. Commented Oct 6, 2021 at 2:57

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