I am trying to deploy the APEX code in salesforce ORG using ANT tool but getting following error:
components/TestComplete.component -- Error: Previous load of class failed: Class.BR02.RelationshipHandler.CreateRelationship: line 160, column 43 Class.BR02.SendBulkRequests.execute: line 132, column 44 Class.BR02.SendBulkRequestsHandler.execute: line 32, column 13 BR02.WUtil: line 955, column 134: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: BR02.labutil: line 274, column 68: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: BR02.RelUtil: line 527, column 92: Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: BR02.CreatePostController: line 49, column 28: Public remoted methods not allowed in global components
I don't understand why it is throwing this error.
There are batch jobs running and in the finish method of that job, we are calling another job like this:
global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC) { Database.executeBatch(new SendBulkRequests(requestListToProcess), 1); RelationshipHandler.CreateRelationship(); }