I am trying to cover some lines in my controller apex class, but since hours dealing with the error message:
Expecting colon, found 'TestPostgrado1'.
The method I am trying to cover through my controller test class is this (method in my controller):
public list<Product2> getProgramsFromListId(String listId){
list<Product2> listProgramas = new list<Product2>();
String query = 'Select Id, Name from Product2 where Id In ' + listId ;
listProgramas = Database.query(query);
return listProgramas;
In order to cover that part I have written these lines in my code on the controller test class:
Product2 postgrado1 = new Product2(Name = 'TestPostgrad1');
insert postgrado1;
Product2 postgrado2 = new Product2(Name = 'TestPostgrad2');
insert postgrado2;
List<Product2> postgrados = new List<Product2> ();
//List<Product2> listProgramas = new list<Product2>();
ok, I know postgrado1.Name is not correct, I was trying with several variants, but nothing happens, the errors is still being displayed. I tend to think that it has to do with the "IN" in the SELECT statement in the controller method,
Does anybody know, what I am doing wrong or what is missing in the lines in my test class?. The errors are pointing to the line
in my controller test class.
and to the line
listProgramas = Database.query(query);
I would appreciate any help.