I'm pretty new with Entitlement Process and Milestones. i WONDER if exists a way to mark one Milestone as Completed and update the completion date when the Case exits the relative entitlement process. For example: I have one Entitlement Process Call ' Case take in Charge' with 2 independent Milestones based on Case's field 'Case Gravity'. If case Case Gravity = 1 Milestone is 20 minutes, if Case Gravity=2 Milestone is 40 minutes. When the Case status pass from NEW to Working I want the Case to exit the Entitlement process and the Mileston marks as completed with the appropriate completion date. Is it possible? (Below you find some picture)
3 Answers
you can use process builder to do that!
I have achieved the behaviour you want previously by marking the milestone as completed via workflow. You should be able to do the same.
How did you do a workflow on milestone object? I'm not able to find it Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 10:16
You cannot update milestones with Workflow - Maybe Jannis meant Process Builder?
You can update and close milestones with Process Builder easey peasey