Good morning,
I have an apex trigger on opportunities that creates a new opportunity for the next year when a specific "sales stage" is selected. I recently updated the trigger to fire when the Closed/Won sales stage is selected OR Membership Started is selected. The problem is that the Membership Started stage is changed at a later date to Closed/Won, which will create a duplicate new opportunity (we only want 1 new opp). Does anyone have any advice? I have been stuck for a few days. My code is shown below:
public static void createNextYearOpp(List<Opportunity> newlist, Map<Id, Opportunity> oldMap){
Map<String, Schema.RecordTypeInfo> recordTypeInfo = Schema.SObjectType.Opportunity.getRecordTypeInfosByName();
list<Opportunity> newYearOppList = new list<Opportunity>();
map<Id,Opportunity> originalOppIdToCloneOpp = new map<Id,Opportunity>();
for(Opportunity opp : newList){
if(oldMap != null && oldMap.get( != opp.StageName && opp.StageName == 'Closed/Won'|| opp.StageName =='Membership Started PIP'
&& opp.Buy_Type__c == 'Security Benchmarks' && opp.Prospect_Type__c == 'SB New Business'
&& opp.Membership_Start_Date__c != null) {
Opportunity newOpp = new Opportunity();
Id recordId = recordTypeInfo.get(opp.Prospect_Type__c).getRecordTypeId();
newOpp.RecordTypeId = recordId; = opp.CloseDate.addYears(1).year() + ' ' +;
newOpp.Prospect_Type__c = 'SB Renewal';
newOpp.CloseDate = opp.Membership_Start_Date__c.addYears(1);
newopp.Membership_Start_Date__c = opp.Membership_Start_Date__c.addYears(1);
newopp.Buy_Type__c = opp.Buy_Type__c;
newOpp.AccountId = opp.AccountId;
newOpp.NextStep = opp.NextStep;
newOpp.Follow_up_Date__c = opp.Follow_up_Date__c;
newOpp.CIS_CAT_Trial__c = opp.CIS_CAT_Trial__c;
newOpp.Billing_Cycle__c = opp.Billing_Cycle__c;
newOpp.Priority__c = opp.Priority__c;
newOpp.Membership_Category__c = opp.Membership_Category__c;
newOpp.OwnerId = opp.OwnerId;
newOpp.Legacy_Membership_Fee__c = opp.Legacy_Membership_Fee__c;
newOpp.TotalOpportunityQuantity = opp.TotalOpportunityQuantity;
newOpp.Probability = opp.Probability;
newOpp.Reason_Lost__c = opp.Reason_Lost__c;
newOpp.Forecast__c = opp.Forecast__c;
newOpp.LeadSource = opp.LeadSource;
newOpp.Description = opp.Description;
newOpp.Legacy_Created_By__c = opp.Legacy_Created_By__c;
newOpp.Legacy_Created_Date__c = opp.Legacy_Created_Date__c;
newOpp.Campaign = opp.Campaign;
newOpp.Amount = opp.Amount;
newOpp.StageName = 'To Be Invoiced';
system.debug('@@ ';