I have a Master Object "Job Req", and a detail object "Application"
In a "Job Req" record, i need to put a button in "Applications" related list, that (for now) does something simple, like just open a VF page that displays the Applications that were selected in related list.
I will later expand on that myself. Right now i am having issue passing the selected records to the VF page.
This is what i have done -
Created a List button on Application object, that opens a VF Page
Added that Button to the Applications Related List on Job Req page layouts
Now When i select some records from Application Related List, and click on the button, i expect it to show names of just those applications. But somehow, it shows whole bunch of records. Instead of showing selected records, it shows some set of records that i don't even know
Here is the output, which shows some bunch of records, instead of showing just 1 i selected-
Here is my VF page code
<apex:page standardController="ts2__Application__c" recordSetVar="selectedApplications">
<apex:pageBlock >
<apex:pageBlockTable value="{!selectedApplications}" var="a">
<apex:column value="{!a.name}"/>
If anyone has any clue how to get selected records working from a related list, please let me know (using Standard set controllers). I don't want to use a javascript button that passes IDs of selected records. I already have that working, but it has limitations on how many IDs can be passed via URL parameter (most browsers crap at url length of 2000 characters).