I need to get documents of a particular library using SOQL.

SELECT title FROM ContentVersion where Contendocument.Parent.Contentworkspace.name='EMEA Sales'

The error i get is INVALID_FIELD: on Contendocument.Parent.Contentworkspace.name

The ERD model for content objects can be viewed here http://www.salesforce.com/us/developer/docs/api/Content/sforce_api_erd_content.htm

2 Answers 2


The following worked for me:

ID workspaceId = [SELECT Id FROM ContentWorkspace WHERE Name = 'EMEA Sales'][0].Id;
List <ContentVersion> allDocuments = [SELECT Title FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocument.ParentId = :workspaceId]);

Retrieving documents from a library using filter like

[SELECT Title FROM ContentVersion WHERE ContentDocument.ParentId = :workspaceId]

may be incorrect, if document is shared with several libraries, and workspaceId is not equal to the library it was initially uploaded to.

Example: Doc1 was uploaded in Library1, and then shared with Libary2. If you use Libary2.Id as workspaceId in the query above, it will return 0 results, because ContentDocument.ParentId will be equal to Library1.Id.

Document and Library sharing dependencies can be viewed in ContentWorkspaceDoc object. So I would try this query:

[SELECT Title 
 FROM ContentVersion 
 WHERE ContentDocumentId in (SELECT ContentDocumentId 
                             FROM ContentWorkspaceDoc 
                             WHERE ContentWorkspaceId = :workspaceId

If you need to export all document versions, you can look at this solution.

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