@InvocableMethod annotation is not allowing to pass two parameters. I want to invoke a method through process builder which is having :
- Input type : Date, Date
- Output type : Integer
Is there any way to achieve this requirement?
@InvocableMethod annotation is not allowing to pass two parameters. I want to invoke a method through process builder which is having :
Is there any way to achieve this requirement?
You can do this by using an inner class within the same class you have the InvocableMethod. And receive a List of said class in your Invocable Method.
global class ConvertLeadAction {
@InvocableMethod(label='Convert Leads')
global static List<ConvertLeadActionResult> convertLeads(List<ConvertLeadActionRequest> requests) {
List<ConvertLeadActionResult> results = new List<ConvertLeadActionResult>();
for (ConvertLeadActionRequest request : requests) {
return results;
public static ConvertLeadActionResult convertLead(ConvertLeadActionRequest request) {
Database.LeadConvert lc = new Database.LeadConvert();
if (request.accountId != null) {
if (request.contactId != null) {
if (request.overWriteLeadSource != null && request.overWriteLeadSource) {
if (request.createOpportunity != null && !request.createOpportunity) {
if (request.opportunityName != null) {
if (request.ownerId != null) {
if (request.sendEmailToOwner != null && request.sendEmailToOwner) {
Database.LeadConvertResult lcr = Database.convertLead(lc, true);
if (lcr.isSuccess()) {
ConvertLeadActionResult result = new ConvertLeadActionResult();
result.accountId = lcr.getAccountId();
result.contactId = lcr.getContactId();
result.opportunityId = lcr.getOpportunityId();
return result;
} else {
throw new ConvertLeadActionException(lcr.getErrors()[0].getMessage());
global class ConvertLeadActionRequest {
global ID leadId;
global String convertedStatus;
global ID accountId;
global ID contactId;
global Boolean overWriteLeadSource;
global Boolean createOpportunity;
global String opportunityName;
global ID ownerId;
global Boolean sendEmailToOwner;
global class ConvertLeadActionResult {
global ID accountId;
global ID contactId;
global ID opportunityId;
class ConvertLeadActionException extends Exception {}
Original Source: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_classes_annotation_InvocableVariable.htm
If you have any doubts on how to implement this feel free to comment/ask.
in Process builder. The return values of these methods can be used only in flows or when invoked through REST API. Check this answer for more details: accessing the return value of an InvocableMethod in process builderRegarding how to pass two parameters, Override your actual method with another method which takes one parameter of List of primitives then split and call your actual method. Something like this:
public with sharing class ExampleClass {
public static Integer innerMethod(Date d1,Date d2){
return d1.monthsBetween(d2);
@InvocableMethod(label='Example' description='Example')
public static void innerMethodInvocable(List<Date> dates){
Taken from the development guide
There can be at most one input parameter and its data type must be one of the following:
- A list of a primitive data type or a list of lists of a primitive data type – the generic Object type is not supported.
- A list of an sObject type or a list of lists of an sObject type – the generic sObject type is not supported.
- A list of a user-defined type, containing variables of the supported types and with the InvocableVariable annotation. Create a custom global or public Apex class to implement your data type, and make sure your class contains at least one member variable with the invocable variable annotation.
I suggest you just query what you need from inside the Invocable Method
You can see the example below how to pass more variable. It is recommended to use an inner class as input parameter. It is scalable, anytime you can add new variables (with required/optional) options for any data type.