I have a Vf page and Controller as below:
<apex:page controller="DropdownDemoController">
<apex:form >
<apex:outputLabel value="Select a Name : "/>
<apex:selectList value="{!selectedAccName}" multiselect="false" size="1">
<apex:selectOptions value="{!accNames}"/>
<apex:outputlink target="_blank" value="apex/Page2?accName={!selectedAccName}">Send</apex:outputlink>
public class DropdownDemoController
public List<SelectOption> accNames{get;set;}
public String selectedAccName{get;set;}
public DropdownDemoController()
accNames = new List<SelectOption>();
for(Account acc : [SELECT Name FROM Account LIMIT 5])
accNames.add(new SelectOption(acc.Name, acc.Name));
public void submit()
System.debug('selectedItem is '+selectedAccName);
The page displays Account Names in a picklist. User can select an Account Name from the picklist and on clicking the Send link, the selected Account name will be passed to Page2 as a parameter. But it seems the parameter is passed as null instead of actual selected acc name in this case, can you please let me know why and how to correct it.