I have a unit test, where im testing, if the class, which implements Schedulable interface is being scheduled using System.schedule() method. The problem is, that when Running this test class, it creates ApexAsyncJob and now i can't modify that test class. Im getting "This schedulable class has jobs pending or in progress" error upon saving the class.
The test method looks like this:
public static void testScheduleJob() {
Id cronJob = OrderResubmitService.scheduleJob();
And the OrderResubmitService method looks like this:
public static Id scheduleJob() {
OrderResubmitSchedulable ors = new OrderResubmitSchedulable();
String sch = calculateNextCronTime();
return System.schedule(CRON_JOB_NAME, sch, ors);
Schedulable class:
global class OrderResubmitSchedulable implements Schedulable {
global OrderResubmitSchedulable() {
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
private static void resubmitOrder() {
// make an http-call
String msg = OrderUtilities.submitOrder();
// check if order is still being processed by SAP
if (msg == '202' || msg == '210') {
// check if we have still some attempts left and we dont have already 100 scheduled jobs
Boolean governorLimitOK = OrderResubmitService.canScheduleAnotherJob('OrderResubmitSchedulable');
if (governorLimitOK) {
Minimum Viable Reproduction
, in other wordsApex
code anyone could drop into any org to reproduce for themselves.Schedulable
class also.