How can i convert a string like this Wed Aug 07 04:30:00 GMT 2013
to a dateTime value?
2 Answers
Map <String, Integer> monthNames = new Map <String, Integer> {'Jan'=>1, 'Feb'=>2, 'Mar'=>3, 'Apr'=>4, 'May'=>5, 'Jun'=>6, 'Jul'=>7, 'Aug'=>8, 'Sep'=>9, 'Oct'=>10, 'Nov'=>11, 'Dec'=>12};
List <String> stringParts = 'Wed Aug 07 04:30:00 GMT 2013'.split(' ');
List <String> timeParts = stringParts[3].split(':');
DateTime yourDateVariable = DateTime.newInstanceGmt(Integer.valueOf(stringParts[5]), monthNames.get(stringParts[1]), Integer.valueOf(stringParts[2]), Integer.valueOf(timeParts[0]), Integer.valueOf(timeParts[1]), Integer.valueOf(timeParts[2]));
I just executed the above code in the developer console and this is the result -
16:53:54:420 USER_DEBUG [6]|DEBUG|----------2013-08-07 04:30:00
Commented Aug 7, 2013 at 6:55 -
Use DateTime parse method: e.g.;
Datetime dt = DateTime.parse('10/14/2011 11:46 AM');
will return date instance of String.
or try
String stringDate = '2013-10-05 20:03:20';
Datetime myDate = datetime.valueOf(stringDate);