I have a custom button that when pressed, checks a field called "convert_to_service_catalogue__c".
This checkbox in combination with many other fields then triggers a process builder to fire.
I am finding that for users of a certain profile, the process builder doesn't fire. However there is nothing in the process builder criteria that restricts it by user logged in profile.
The error contains "a flow trigger failed to execute the flow with version id"
Interestingly. When I turn off the flow, the button works perfectly, so it seems there is something wrong with my process builder, but not sure what?
Below is the execute javascript for my button.
var result = sforce.apex.execute("ProductAction","convertToService",
window.location.href = '/'+result[0].Id+'/e';
// Check result in console window
// If this result starts with a string equal to the id key for the object
type you are accessing, relocate the browser to that page
if (result[0].startsWith('001')) {
window.location.href = '/' + result[0] + '/e';
} else {
// Otherwise, show the error message to the viewer
Below that is the class for button.
global class ProductAction {
WebService static String convertToService(Id product2) {
string result; // Return a string telling us if this worked or not
Id currentProfile = UserInfo.getProfileId(); // Get the current user profile Id
Id CurrentUser = UserInfo.getUserId(); // Get the current user Id
Set<Id> allowedProfiles = new Set<Id>(); // Create a new set to profile Ids
for (Profile p: [SELECT Id, Name FROM Profile WHERE Name = 'System Administrator']) {// Get the System Administrator profile
allowedProfiles.add(p.Id); // Add them to the set
Set<Id> allowedUsers = new Set<Id>(); // Create a new set to store User Ids
for (User u: [SELECT Id FROM User WHERE Id = '005w0000004j93kAAA' OR Id = '005w0000004Noi6']) {//Select Joy Palmer and Andy McGregor Id's and select Jeremey Sharp and Mark O'Leary once they're in SF}
allowedUsers.add(u.Id);// Add them to the set
Product2 prod = [SELECT Convert_to_Service_catalogue__c, R_D_Service_Owner__r.id , Project_Owner__r.Id From Product2 WHERE Id = :product2]; // Get the product
if( //If...
(currentUser == prod.R_D_Service_Owner__r.id) || // They own it
(currentUser == prod.Project_Owner__r.id) || // They own it
(allowedProfiles.contains(currentProfile)) || //They're a system admin
(allowedUsers.contains(currentUser))// They're a specific user
) {
//Do stuff!
prod.Convert_to_Service_Catalogue__c = true;
UPDATE prod;
result = 'Success!';
else {// Otherwise...
// Do nothing
result = 'Go Away!';
// Return a message
return result;