Currently we have a couple of webservices which we have built in salesforce which would be called by an external application. The external application uses soap protocol and uses the integration profile user information to login to salesforce and make the webservice calls. The java application consumes the wsdl using the java client and uses the below information to make the calls. E.g sfdcURL = ""; sfdcUserName = "[email protected]"; sfdcPassword = "xxxx"; cbmsEndPoint ="";
The problem is that every time we refresh our sandboxes, the instances of salesforce change like cs16 to cs17 etc and our network team has to open the firewall to allow the new end point so that the java application can connect to salesforce. How can we avoid this and use any generic dns name in salesforce which we can provide to our network people so that it can be used for all sandbox and production instances? How are you guys managing this in your callins to salesforce from different sandboxes? Buyan