I find myself in a company that is implementing Pardot for it's Marketing efforts.
I've done a little research, but do not see references to what I want and hope that this is simple or at least do-able via some hack that is not outlandish.
When a form is submitted (Pardot Form OR using Form Handlers), we will have a hidden field to represent a Product Group (or specific Product) the submitter is interested in. "Product Interest".
I do not like storing checkboxes for such data when a Date field is much more thorough (it also tells WHEN they had that interest, can be intersected with other data to do various things).
What would I do to store such data in Pardot?
In SF proper, I'll either be doing a custom object related to Account/Contact and Lead, with pairs of fields:
- Interest__c . . . (text)
- Date_Of_Interest__c . . . (date)
...or fields on those Objects, so assume (date fields):
- PI_Printers__c
- PI_Lanyards__c
- PI_Toner__c
- PI_Salami__c
In any case, I need to capture the date that they SUBMITTED THE FORM which included reference to "Printers" (example) and store it in Pardot to pass to SF.