Two odd issues:
Last night, I was unable to add a newly created Lightning Component via the Lightning Page Builder. I also re-saved an existing component and it disappeared from the list of available Lightning Components. The save did not remove the "implements:XXXXXXX" which should make it available to the page builder.
This morning, I attempted to trouble shoot and found that I am unable to save a few of my existing lightning components and I get the following error:
Failed to save undefined: No Converter or MultiConverter found for class java.util.ArrayList to class java.lang.String: Source
If I comment out referenced some of the variables, I can get the components to save, but they were working last night.
Here is the component:
<aura:component controller="CRS_OutcomeManagement_Controller" implements="flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,force:hasRecordId,force:hasSObjectName" >
<aura:attribute name="EAOutcomes" access="public" type="Service_Usage_Outcome__c[]"/>
<aura:attribute name="OtherOutcomes" access="public" type="Service_Usage_Outcome__c[]"/>
<aura:attribute name="chosenOutcome" access="public" type="Service_Usage_Outcome__c" default="{'sobjectType' : 'Service_Usage_Outcome__c'}"/>
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.populateTables}" />
<c:CRS_Outcomes_Table Outcomes="{!v.EAOutcomes}" outcomeType="EA" TableCaption="Early Adopter Outcomes" chosenOutcome="{!v.chosenOutcome}"/>
<c:CRS_Outcomes_Table Outcomes="{!v.OtherOutcomes}" outcomeType="Other" TableCaption="Outcomes from other Service Usages" chosenOutcome="{!v.chosenOutcome}"/>
<div class="{!(and(empty(v.EAOutcomes), empty(v.OtherOutcomes))) ? 'slds-align-absolute-center slds-m-top--x-large' : 'slds-hide'}">
<p>This Person has had no Outcomes recorded yet. If they have open Service Usage records of the appropriate type, please use the "New Outcome" button.</p>
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.chosenOutcome.Id != null}">
<c:CRS_Outcome_SecondaryFields outcome="{!v.chosenOutcome}"/>
If I put this inside the If above, the component stops refreshing after
the 2nd or third change of chosenOutcome.Id-->
<aura:if isTrue="{!v.chosenOutcome.RecordType.Name == 'EARLYADOPTER'}">
<c:CRS_Outcome_Actions outcomeId="{!v.chosenOutcome.Id}" CRSProfile="{!v.recordId}" />
If I comment out references to "chosenOutcome" in the code (I can keep the attribute in place), then the component will save.
Was a patch released last night?