I have a user which attached JPGs to the wrong object (Task vs Account). I wrote this trigger thinking I could quickly fix it but I am getting this error:
Error: Compile Error: Illegal assignment from LIST to SOBJECT:Account at line 9 column 13
Help! :D
trigger Update_Attachment_Parent on Attachment (after insert, after update) {
//Create a List to store the Ids of Attachments to be deleted
List<Id> forDeletionIds = new List<Id>();
for (Attachment a : trigger.new){
//Check to see if the Attachment has a Task as the Parent Record
String parentIdString = String.valueof(a.parentId);
if (parentIdString.substring(0,3) == '00T'){
//Select the AccountId from the Task
Account parent = [SELECT AccountId FROM Task WHERE WhatId = :a.parentId];
//Check to see if the Account exists
if (parent.AccountID != null){
//Select the Attachment body (it isn't in memory for an update)
Attachment body = [SELECT Body FROM Attachment WHERE Id = :a.Id];
//Create a new Attachment, preserving as much as is possible
Attachment newA = New Attachment(
Name = a.Name,
Body = body.Body,
ContentType = 'image/jpeg',
Description = 'Account Photo',
OwnerId = a.OwnerId,
ParentId = parent.AccountId
//Insert the new Attachment
insert newA;
//Add the now duplicate Attachment ID to a list
//List and then delete all duplicate Attachments
List<Attachment> forDeletion = [SELECT Id FROM Attachment WHERE Id IN :forDeletionIds];
delete forDeletion;