Title says it all. I'm looking to write a validation rule that effectively prevents non-System Admins ($Profile.Name <> "System Administrator") from changing the Amount, Close Date or creating new Opportunities if 15 days have passed since the the quarter. They should also be able to modify/create Opps in the current quarter.
The only real fields that shouldn't be modified after that date are Stage and Amount. They should be able to change everything else related to an opportunity.
I got this:
$Profile.Name <> "System Administrator",
$Profile.Name <> "API System Administrator",
$User.FirstName <> "Aram",
ISPICKVAL( PRIORVALUE(StageName) , "Closed Won"),
ISPICKVAL( PRIORVALUE(StageName) , "Closed Lost"),
And I'm a little lost after that.
Locked Record Type
and make the layout read only to all profiles except Admins (or grant access to it via permission set) then you'd just need a workflow rule to change Record Type 15 days after quarter ends.