Community Builder is already in place for some time - as well as new Lightning-enabled templates: Koa, Kokua, Napili.

Do you maybe know some real example (publicly available) of communities based on those templates? I wonder how much they are customized. Or in other words: to which extend those pre-configured templates comply to real business usecases.


Jacek Bialecki

1 Answer 1


Salesforce claims there are over 900 active lightning communities, check these dreamforce videos to know about the use-cases and success stories -

https://www.salesforce.com/video/302765/, https://www.salesforce.com/video/183627/

As for the real life examples, I came across the Logitech community that is built on the Napili template, you can self-register to get an inside peek into the customization aspect.

Home depot community appears to be built on Napili template, check this out

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