I had to make a few updates to an APEX class in my development sandbox. I edited the class from the develop, apex classes menu in Salesforce, and then saved. I tested the class but am receiving the following error:
List has no rows to assign to SObject. An unexpected error has occurred. Your development organization has been notified.
The class seemed to work ok at initial testing, but now I am getting this error in all environments. I also moved the class to the config sandbox and get this error:
action="{!resendEvent}": Unknown method 'Professional_Development_Event__cStandardController.resendEvent()'
The code:
get {
if (SF_Event == null) {
// Event_ID__c
if (PD_Event.Event_ID__c == null) {
SF_Event = new Event ();
} else {
List< Event > eventList = [
SELECT e.WhoId, e.WhatId, e.Subject, e.StartDateTime, e.Location, e.Id, e.EndDateTime, e.ActivityDateTime, e.ActivityDate,
( SELECT Status, Response, RespondedDate, IsDeleted, Id, EventId, AttendeeId FROM EventAttendees)
FROM Event e
WHERE e.Id =: PD_Event.Event_ID__c AND e.WhatId =: PD_Event.Id
SF_Event = (eventList != null && eventList.size() > 0) ? eventList[0] : new Event ();
return SF_Event;
set ;
// Get / set methods for event attendee information (PD_Specialist)
public EventAttendee PD_Specialist {
get {
PD_Specialist = new EventAttendee ();
if (SF_Event != null) {
for (EventAttendee a : SF_Event.EventAttendees)
if (a.AttendeeId == PD_Event.Specialist__c) {
PD_Specialist = a;
return PD_Specialist;
set ;
public PageReference acceptEvent() {
system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, ' --- 1 controller_PDEvent --- ');
system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, ' --- 2 acceptEvent --- ' );
system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, ' --- PD_Event.Specialist_Response__c: '
+ PD_Event.Specialist_Response__c);
//return null;
//PageReference pr = ApexPages.currentPage();
PageReference pr = new PageReference(URL.getCurrentRequestUrl().toExternalForm());
system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, ' --- URL.getCurrentRequestUrl().toExternalForm(): '
+ URL.getCurrentRequestUrl().toExternalForm());
//Commented out by MWT on 6.21.12
//if(pr.getParameters().get(PORTAL_MODE_KEY) != null) {
// pr.getParameters().put(PORTAL_MODE_KEY, null);
pr.getParameters().put( 'id' , PD_Event.Id);
system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, ' --- pr.getUrl(): '
+ pr.getUrl());
return pr;
public PageReference declineEvent() {
//send notification to the Contract owner when an event is declined - TCB
DE_NotificationEmail_Helper.currentInstance.sendDeclineEmail(PD_Event, '' );
PageReference pr = new PageReference(URL.getCurrentRequestUrl().toExternalForm());
//Commented out by MWT on 6.21.12
//if(pr.getParameters().get(PORTAL_MODE_KEY) != null) {
// pr.getParameters().put(PORTAL_MODE_KEY, null);
pr.getParameters().put( 'id' , PD_Event.Id);
return pr;
private final string PROFESSIONAL_DEVELOPMENT_TRAINER = 'Professional Development Trainer' ;
private final string PROFESSIONAL_DEVELOPMENT_ADMIN = 'Professional Development Admin' ;
private final string SALES_TEAM = 'Sales Team' ;
public List<SelectOption> activePartnerPortalUsers {
get {
if (activePartnerPortalUsers == null) {
activePartnerPortalUsers = new List<SelectOption>();
activePartnerPortalUsers.add( new SelectOption('' , 'Please select a specialist' ));
Profile pdtProfile = [
SELECT p.Name , p.Id
FROM Profile p
Profile pdAdminProfile = [
SELECT p.Name , p.Id
FROM Profile p
Profile Salesprofile = [
SELECT p.Name , p.Id
FROM Profile p
if (pdtProfile != null) {
for (User user : [
SELECT u.Name , u.LastName, u.Id
FROM User u
WHERE u.IsActive = true
u.ProfileId = : pdtProfile.Id
u.ProfileId = : pdAdminProfile.Id
u.ProfileId = : Salesprofile.Id
AND Id <> :PD_Event.Specialist__c
ORDER BY u.FirstName ASC] //changed to sort by first name instead of last name - CB 12/27/12
activePartnerPortalUsers.add( new SelectOption(user.Id, user.Name ));
// select current specialist
selectedActivePartnerPortalUsers = PD_Event.Specialist__c;
return activePartnerPortalUsers;
private set ;
public string selectedActivePartnerPortalUsers {
get {
return selectedActivePartnerPortalUsers;
set ;
public boolean isSelectedActivePartnerPortalUsersRendered {
get ; private set;
public PageReference assignSpecialist() {
string errorString = DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.currentInstance.isSpecialistSchedulable(PD_Event);
if (errorString.length() == 0) {
this .summary = null;
isSelectedActivePartnerPortalUsersRendered = true ;
isAssignSpecialistRendered = false ;
} else {
system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, ' --- errorString: ' + errorString);
this .summary = errorString;
this .severity = 'warning' ;
//return null;
isSendEmailRendered = false ;
system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, ' --- isSendEmailRendered: ' + isSendEmailRendered);
//this.summary = null;
//isSelectedActivePartnerPortalUsersRendered = true;
return null ;
public boolean isSaveRendered {
get {
return isSaveRendered;
private set ;
public boolean isAssignSpecialistRendered {
get {
// me entry Only display the 'Assign Specialist' buttons for the
// 'Professional Development Admin' and 'System Administrator' profiles.
if (isAssignSpecialistRendered == null) {
isAssignSpecialistRendered = false ;
if (PD_Event != null) {
// if user who came on the page is a specialist assigned to the PD Event
if (PD_Event.Specialist__c == UserInfo.getUserId()
|| PD_Event.Status__c == 'Completed'
|| PD_Event.Confirmed_Date_of_Training__c == null
) {
isAssignSpecialistRendered = false ;
} else {
List< Profile > currentUserProfile = [
Select p.Name , p.Id
From Profile p
Where p.Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId()
And (p.Name = 'Professional Development Admin'
Or p.Name = 'System Administrator')
if (currentUserProfile.size() > 0) {
isAssignSpecialistRendered = true ;
return isAssignSpecialistRendered;
private set ;
public PageReference showHideSaveButton() {
if ('' != selectedActivePartnerPortalUsers || !isSelectedActivePartnerPortalUsersRendered) {
isSaveRendered = true ;
return null ;
public PageReference savePDEvent() {
PageReference pr;
try {
System.debug('--- Saving PD Event ' + PD_Event);
if (PD_Event.Specialist__c != selectedActivePartnerPortalUsers
&& selectedActivePartnerPortalUsers != null
//&& PD_Event.Confirmed_Date_of_Training__c != null
) {
string errorString = DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.currentInstance.isSpecialistSchedulable(PD_Event);
if ('' != selectedActivePartnerPortalUsers && errorString.length() == 0) {
DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.currentInstance.scheduleSpecialist(PD_Event, selectedActivePartnerPortalUsers);
//update PD_Event;
} else {
this .summary = errorString;
this .severity = 'warning' ;
return null ;
isSelectedActivePartnerPortalUsersRendered = false ;
isSaveRendered = false ;
pr = new PageReference(URL.getCurrentRequestUrl().toExternalForm());
Professional_Development_Event__c verificationPDEvent =
// CB - removed code to send email if training date changes - 10/22/12
// if training date was changed or any of the training site fields have changed
if(PD_Event.Confirmed_Date_of_Training__c != verificationPDEvent.Confirmed_Date_of_Training__c
|| PD_Event.Actual_Recipient_Group__c != verificationPDEvent.Actual_Recipient_Group__c
|| PD_Event.Training_Site__c != verificationPDEvent.Training_Site__c
|| PD_Event.Training_Location_State__c != verificationPDEvent.Training_Location_State__c
|| PD_Event.Training_Location_City__c != verificationPDEvent.Training_Location_City__c
|| PD_Event.Training_Location_Zip__c != verificationPDEvent.Training_Location_Zip__c
|| PD_Event.Recipient_Opt_Out__c != verificationPDEvent.Recipient_Opt_Out__c
|| PD_Event.Training_Location_Addr1__c != verificationPDEvent.Training_Location_Addr1__c
|| PD_Event.Training_Location_Addr2__c != verificationPDEvent.Training_Location_Addr2__c
|| PD_Event.Training_Location_Name__c != verificationPDEvent.Training_Location_Name__c
|| PD_Event.Training_Site_Room__c != verificationPDEvent.Training_Site_Room__c
) {
// if training date was changed
string specialistToNotify = PD_Event.Specialist__c;
// if training date was cleared & changed
if(PD_Event.Confirmed_Date_of_Training__c != verificationPDEvent.Confirmed_Date_of_Training__c
&& PD_Event.Confirmed_Date_of_Training__c == null) {
string inviteStatus = PD_Event.Specialist_Response__c;
// if training date was cleared
// if there is a specialist which must be notified about event cancelation
&& inviteStatus == DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.ACCEPTED_SPECIALIST_RESPONSE
) {
// notify specialist about event cancelation
// DE_NotificationEmail_Helper.currentInstance.sendNotificationAboutCancelingAnEvent(PD_Event, specialistToNotify);
} else {
// if training date was changed
if (PD_Event.Confirmed_Date_of_Training__c != verificationPDEvent.Confirmed_Date_of_Training__c) {
// if there is a specialist which must be notified about event changes
if(DI_Helper.isId(specialistToNotify)) {
string inviteStatus = PD_Event.Specialist_Response__c;
// clear all info about specialist and event
/*if(inviteStatus == DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.ACCEPTED_SPECIALIST_RESPONSE
&& isCurrentUserPDAdmin
) {
// do not send a new invite to the Specialist...instead, send a cancellation email,
// clear the value for 'Assigned Specialist' and clear the Invite Status
// (and all other fields related to first viewed, date accepted/rejected, etc.)
// DE_NotificationEmail_Helper.currentInstance.sendNotificationAboutCancelingAnEvent(PD_Event, specialistToNotify);
} */
if(pr == null) {
pr = new PageReference(URL.getCurrentRequestUrl().toExternalForm());
update PD_Event;
catch (DmlException dmle) {
this .summary = dmle.getDmlMessage(0);
this .severity = 'warning' ;
System.debug('Error saving PD EVent: ' + dmle);
return null ;
} catch (Exception e) {
this .summary = e.getMessage();
this .severity = 'error' ;
System.debug('Error saving PD EVent: ' + e);
return null ;
return pr;
public boolean isSendEmailRendered {
get {
system.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO, ' --- begin - isSendEmailRendered --- ');
if (isSendEmailRendered == null) {
isSendEmailRendered = false ;
if (PD_Event != null
&& PD_Event.Specialist__c != null
&& PD_Event.Status__c == DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.SCHEDULED_STATUS
&& PD_Event.Specialist_Response__c != 'Accepted'
&& PD_Event.Specialist_Response__c != 'Declined'
) {
if (PD_Event.Specialist__c == UserInfo.getUserId()) {
isSendEmailRendered = false ;
} else {
List< Profile > currentUserProfile = [
Select p.Name , p.Id
From Profile p
Where p.Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId()
And (p.Name = 'Professional Development Admin'
Or p.Name = 'System Administrator')
if (currentUserProfile.size() > 0) {
isSendEmailRendered = true ;
} else {
isSendEmailRendered = false ;
} else {
isSendEmailRendered = false ;
return isSendEmailRendered;
private set ;
public string sendNotificationButtonName {
get {
if (PD_Event != null && PD_Event.Specialist__c != null ) {
if (PD_Event.Send_Email_DateTime__c != null) {
return 'Resend Invitation' ;
} else {
return 'Send Invitation' ;
} else {
return '' ;
private set ;
public PageReference sendNotification() {
Professional_Development_Event__c verificationPDEvent =
if (verificationPDEvent.Status__c != DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.SCHEDULED_STATUS) {
this .summary = 'Sorry, but current event was changed. Please, reload the page.';
this .severity = 'warning' ;
return null ;
} else {
//DE_Event_Helper.sendNotificationEmail(PD_Event, null);
DE_NotificationEmail_Helper.currentInstance.sendInvitationEmail(PD_Event, null);
PageReference pr = new PageReference(URL.getCurrentRequestUrl().toExternalForm());
return pr;
public boolean isConfirmedDateRendered {
get {
if (isConfirmedDateRendered == null) {
isConfirmedDateRendered = false ;
if (PD_Event != null && PD_Event.Status__c != DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.COMPLETED_STATUS) {
if (PD_Event.Specialist__c != null) {
if (PD_Event.Specialist__c == UserInfo.getUserId()) {
isConfirmedDateRendered = false ;
} else {
List< Profile > currentUserProfile = [
Select p.Name , p.Id
From Profile p
Where p.Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId()
And (p.Name = 'Professional Development Admin'
Or p.Name = 'System Administrator')
if (currentUserProfile.size() > 0) {
isConfirmedDateRendered = true ;
} else {
isConfirmedDateRendered = false ;
} else {
isConfirmedDateRendered = true ;
} else {
isConfirmedDateRendered = false ;
return isConfirmedDateRendered;
private set ;
public string pdEventStatus {
get {
if (PD_Event != null) {
return PD_Event.Status__c;
} else {
return null ;
set ;
public string pdEventSpecialist {
get {
if (PD_Event != null) {
return PD_Event.Specialist__c;
} else {
return null ;
set ;
public boolean isSpecialistResponseCommentsEditable {
get {
if (PD_Event != null
&& PD_Event.Specialist__c != null
&& PD_Event.Specialist_Response__c != DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.ACCEPTED_SPECIALIST_RESPONSE
&& PD_Event.Specialist_Response__c != DE_ProfessionalDevelopmentEvent_Helper.DECLINED_SPECIALIST_RESPONSE
&& (PD_Event.Specialist__c == UserInfo.getUserId() || userProfile == '00ed0000000OtTt' )
) {
return true ;
} else {
return false ;
private set ;
public boolean isCurrentUserPDAdmin {
get {
List< Profile > currentUserProfile = [
Select p.Name , p.Id
From Profile p
Where p.Id = :UserInfo.getProfileId()
And p.Name = 'Professional Development Admin'
//And p.Name = 'System Administrator'
return currentUserProfile.size() > 0;
set ;
public string pdEventSpecialistResponse {
get {
if (PD_Event != null) {
return PD_Event.Specialist_Response__c;
} else {
return null ;
set ;
//Training Site Code - CB 12/5/12
public Professional_Development_Event__c pdEvent { get; set;}
public string trainingSiteLocs { get ;set ;}
public string legacyTrainingLocation {
get {
return DE_Event_TrainingSite_Helper.getLegacyTrainingLocation(PD_Event);
public void accountChanged() {
//render the save button
isSaveRendered = true ;
if (pdEvent != null ) {
if (pdEvent.Training_Site__c == null) {
pdEvent.Training_Location_Name__c = '';
pdEvent.Training_Location_State__c = '';
pdEvent.Training_Location_Zip__c = '';
pdEvent.Training_Location_City__c = '';
pdEvent.Training_Location_Addr1__c = '';
pdEvent.Training_Location_Addr2__c = '';
pdEvent.Training_Site_Room__c = '';
else {
//refresh the addresses
public string plannedRGName {get;set;}
public Id plannedRGId {get;set;}
public void licensedRecipientChanged() {
if (pdEvent != null ) {
pdEvent.Training_Site__c = pdEvent.Actual_Recipient_Group__c;
pdEvent.Training_Site_Room__c = '';
public void refreshAddress () {
if (pdEvent != null ) {
public void saveTrainingLoc() {
if (pdEvent != null ) {
//save Training Site Info
PD_Event.Training_Site__c = pdEvent.Training_Site__c;
PD_Event.Training_Location_State__c = pdEvent.Training_Location_State__c;
PD_Event.Training_Location_City__c = pdEvent.Training_Location_City__c;
PD_Event.Training_Location_Zip__c = pdEvent.Training_Location_Zip__c;
PD_Event.Training_Location_Addr1__c = pdEvent.Training_Location_Addr1__c;
PD_Event.Training_Location_Addr2__c = pdEvent.Training_Location_Addr2__c;
PD_Event.Training_Location_Name__c = pdEvent.Training_Location_Name__c;
PD_Event.Training_Site_Room__c = pdEvent.Training_Site_Room__c;
PD_Event.Actual_Recipient_Group__c = pdEvent.Actual_Recipient_Group__c;
PD_Event.Planned_Recipient_Group__c = plannedRGId;
PD_Event.Recipient_Opt_Out__c = pdEvent.Recipient_Opt_Out__c;
public void optOutChanged() {
isSaveRendered = true ;
private void setPlannedRG () {
if (pdEvent.Recipient_Opt_Out__c == false) {
Account [] getActName = [SELECT Name FROM Account WHERE Id = :pdEvent.Actual_Recipient_Group__c];
if (getActName.size() > 0) {
plannedRGName = getActName[0].Name;
plannedRGId = pdEvent.Actual_Recipient_Group__c;
else {
//if Actual RG is blank then set Planned RG to NULL
plannedRGName = '';
plannedRGId = null;