A ui:inputSelect component is generating this javascript warning in the browser console when I invoke the change event. I get the warning multiple times once for each item in the list.
WARNING: AttributeSet.set(): unable to override the value for 'value=function (cmp, fn) { return fn.empty(cmp.get("v.exhibitPublicName")); }'. FunctionCallValues declared in markup are constant.
Here is the code for the input:
<ui:inputSelect class="slds-select" label="Exhibition:" labelClass="slds-form-element__label" aura:id="exhibits" change="{!c.exhibitChange}" >
<ui:inputSelectOption text="" label="All Exhibits" value="{!empty(v.exhibitPublicName)}"/>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.exhibits}" var="exhibit">
<ui:inputSelectOption text="{!exhibit.Public_Exhibit_Name__c}" label="{!exhibit.Public_Exhibit_Name__c}" value="{! v.exhibitPublicName == exhibit.Public_Exhibit_Name__c}"/>
The handler does't even have anything in it:
exhibitChange:function(component, event, helper) {
Any ideas on what is causing the warning. I am just trying to fill the dropdown, and set the selected value if it matches an attribute.
format.So change attribute should be equal to{!c.exhibitChange}
instead ofc.exhibitChange
.<aura:attribute name="exhibitPublicName"/>
have access attribute specified?if not set the access topublic
like this :<aura:attribute name="exhibitPublicName" access="public"/>
value="{! v.exhibitPublicName == exhibit.Public_Exhibit_Name__c}"
in theui:inputSelectOption
and have an value attribute for theui:inputSelect
:<ui:inputSelect value="{!v.exhibitPublicName}"/>