I'm getting the following error when trying to save my test class for a schedulable class:
expecting a right parentheses, found 'Test'
Here's the main class:
global class deleteConvertedChatter implements Schedulable {
global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {
FeedItem[] deleteFeedItems = [ SELECT Id FROM FeedItem
WHERE CreatedById = '005A0000006G0Bu'
AND Type = 'TrackedChange'];
try {
delete deleteFeedItems;
} catch (DmlException e) {
// Process exception here
And the test class:
private class testDeleteConvertedChatter {
deleteConvertedChatter sh1 = new deleteConvertedChatter();
String sch = '0 0 23 * * ?';
system.schedule('Test', sch, sh1);
Any ideas why I'd be getting this error?