I have integrated Marketing Cloud With Salesforce. I am able to access Emails etc while in Salesforce.

But when I try to create import activity in Marketing Cloud and select Salesforce objects and Reports I get an error (pic attached). "An active category with an ID -1 could not be found" enter image description here

1 Answer 1


You will need to ensure that you have followed the instructions to Configure Marketing Cloud explicitly. If you miss a step, this will result in unexpected behavior.

My guess is that you haven't configured the Salesforce System User Username for the specific user account that you are using to login into Marketing Cloud (refer to the 'Connecting Your Marketing Cloud Users' section in the above link).

  • Thanks Eliot, asked help @ Marketing Cloud and they fixed this.
    – F.Dell
    Commented Sep 26, 2016 at 13:01

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