I have written a apex class with test class both are running but my code coverage is only 66%.Please help to solve the problem.

Apex Class-

    global class Deleteoppotest implements Schedulable{

    global void execute(SchedulableContext SC) {

    public static void deleteoppo() {

        for(List<opportunity> objoppo : [SELECT Id FROM opportunity WHERE CreatedDate <= :(Date.Today() - 200) LIMIT 10])
                delete objoppo;

Test Class

private class Deleteoppotestcls {

    static testMethod void myUnitTest() {
        // TO DO: implement unit test

        Opportunity op = new Opportunity();
        op.Name = 'test1';
        op.StageName = 'Qualified';
        op.CloseDate = Date.Today();
        op.Description ='testingoppotestcls';
        op.Business_Type__c = 'Domestic';

        insert op;


  • NEVER, .... you never put a database operation (insert/update/delete/upsert) in a loop.
    – user853710
    Nov 8, 2018 at 18:02

2 Answers 2


Few things to be noticed here.

  1. Your DML should be outside like this and also no need to use for loop

simple DML on list

public static void deleteoppo() {
      delete  [SELECT Id FROM opportunity 
               WHERE CreatedDate <= :(Date.Today() - 200) 
               LIMIT 10];
  1. Second, create records in test class with old created date

    Opportunity op = new Opportunity();
    op.Name = 'test1';
    op.StageName = 'Qualified';
    op.CloseDate = Date.Today();
    op.Description ='testingoppotestcls';
    op.Business_Type__c = 'Domestic';
    insert op
    Datetime dt200before = Datetime.now().addDays(-201);
    Test.setCreatedDate(op.Id, dt200before );

This will set the created date 201 before date

  1. Since it is a scheduler class you can schedule the class

      Deleteoppotest objDelOpp = new Deleteoppotest();
      System.schedule('delete opp - Monday 5AM', '0 00 05 ? * 2', objDelOpp );

This will cover the all the code

  1. And Lastly Don't forget to add asserts to check if data is deleted or not

Here is test class that should give 100% test coverage for a schedulable class.

private class Deleteoppotestcls {

    public static void createTestData() {
        Opportunity op = new Opportunity();
        op.Name = 'test1';
        op.StageName = 'Qualified';
        op.CloseDate = Date.Today();
        op.Description ='testingoppotestcls';
        op.Business_Type__c = 'Domestic';
        insert op;

    static void shouldScheduleDeletion() {
        DateTime currTime = DateTime.now();
        Integer min = currTime.minute();
        Integer hour = currTime.hour();
        String sch;

        if(min <= 58)
            sch = '0 '+ (min + 1) + ' ' + hour + ' * * ?';
            sch = '0 0 '+ (hour + 1) + ' * * ?';

        String jobId = system.schedule('Test Deletion ' + currTime, sch, new Deleteoppotest());        
        CronTrigger ct = [SELECT Id, CronExpression, TimesTriggered, NextFireTime FROM CronTrigger WHERE Id = :jobId];
        System.assertEquals(sch, ct.CronExpression);

Hope this helps.

  • It won't though. The query only returns records that have a created date over 200 days ago. The test record that you create will not be returned in the query, and the delete objoppo; line of code will still not be covered.
    – martin
    Aug 29, 2016 at 8:07
  • Thanks for info. However, I tested that class in dev org and its 100% covered.
    – jagmohan
    Aug 29, 2016 at 11:43
  • I stand corrected. I had assumed the for loop was operating over single Opportunities, but it is actually operating over lists of Opportunities. Your answer does in fact give 100% code coverage.
    – martin
    Aug 29, 2016 at 12:21
  • The code has worked
    – akash garg
    Aug 30, 2016 at 3:28

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