There is currently no way to filter on Old Value/New Value. But I really like this idea. Here is what Salesforce is proposing you :
Currently, there is no ability to filter on the Old Value or New Value
in a history report, however there are 2 work arounds.
- Use the Analytic Snapshot aka reporting snapshot and create the report off of the Target Object. Please see "Prepare Reporting
Snapshots" in Help and Training to learn how to setup up an Analytic
Snapshot. When you get to Step 3: Create fields on the target object,
create two text fields called "Old Value" and the other "New Value".
After the snapshot has run, create a report off of the Target Object
and then add a criteria for the "Old Value" and "New Value" into your
new report.
NOTE: This only applies to new data and will not report
on previous data. Also, 2000 records is the maximum returned per
- Export the report into Excel to filter on the Old Value or New Values.
PS: I also invite you to vote for the idea on IdeaExchange