I'm having difficulty figuring out why this approval process isn't sending an email to the approver. Here are the details on the process:
- Active: Yes
- Next Automated Approver Determined By: (this is empty)
- Entry Criteria: (this is empty)
- Approval Assignment Email Template: My_Approval_Assignment_Template
- Initial Submission Actions:
- Record Lock
- Approval Steps
- First - Criteria: Custom_Field__c EQUALS 'Required', else Approve, Assigned Approver: Assign to Approver__c
- Final Approval Actions
- Record Lock
- Email Alert: Notify Submitter
- Field Update: Mark Approved
- Final Rejection Actions
- Record Lock
- Email Alert: Notify Submitter
- Field Update: Mark Rejected
The problem is My_Approval_Assignemnt_Template doesn't get sent out to Approver__c in approval step 1. Here is what I have tried:
- I have verified that the email address is valid.
- I have verified that the user is actually assigned the approval process.
- I have verified that the approval/rejection emails go out properly.
- I have verified that email deliverability is 'all email.'
- I have switched the submitter and approver users and the approval/rejection emails still behave as expected, but the assignment alert is still not sent.
Am I missing something? I saw here that they mention the 'next automated approver' should be filled out, but for my process I don't need that, I just need a specific calculated approver in the Approver__c lookup field on my object. Are those two fields tied together?
for these types of emails (approval, workflow, emails sent via Apex) to actually be sent.