I have a managed package that leverages design tokens in lightning components (and automatically pulls in our defaultTokens.tokens design token bundle as a dependency).
I am trying to create an unmanaged package for a demo, but am running into an issue being able to remove the defaultTokens.tokens design tokens bundle as a dependency to the lightning components. I'm not sure if it becomes an implicit dependency to every component by existing. I tried removing all CSS from the components, as well as removing all of the markup inside the design bundle without luck. Any ideas?
The rationale for this is that I don't want to can't delete the defaultTokens.token design tokens bundle in the target org (not mine), but the unmanaged package install won't allow me to bypass that file already existing in the target.
EDIT: I'm now wondering if this would preclude anyone from installing an unmanaged package of lightning components into an org that is using default tokens.