We have a multistep wizard form where we have a next button which is a command link. We would like to prevent the users from double clicking the button. We tried to disable the command link using javascript but it caused issues in IE.
<apex:actionFunction action="{!navAction}" name="NEXTACTION" /> //This submits the form
<apex:commandLink action="{!navAction}" onclick="javascript:disabled=true;" onComplete="javascript:disabled=false;NEXTACTION();"
styleClass="button nextButton primary">
<apex:param assignTo="{!ctrl.eventCode}" value="NextButtonClicked" />
So on the above code, we wrote an onclick event to disable the link but on complete we tried to submit the form to our action method which is defined in Next Action as an action function. This button is in a vf component embedded on all forms.
When we do this, we are getting an error which says "The page submitted is invalid for session." Can you guys tell me what i am doing wrong in this snippet or can you share some code on how you are preventing double clicks on form submits which is browser compatible please? Thanks Buyan