I'm not sure where else to take this issue...
Basically, I've noticed in past weeks that generic searches for apex/vf documentation is returning the correct SF documentation.. but in Japanese.
Salesforce provides their developer documentation in several languages - in fact, you can change the article language on the fly via a dropdown on their Apex workbook
The weird thing is, I haven't ever used the Japanese language version of their docs, but for some reason a couple weeks ago that's what started showing up on any Google search results for dev documentation. Weirder still, the english version doesn't show up lower in the list or anything.
Here's a screenshot of the results of a google search for 'Try catch apex'.
Has anyone else had this issue? Is this a client-side issue that I can resolve, or has google just been messing with the SEO of the different language versions of their docs?
header back with response to let the client know? Google could use that to index appropriately, although I'm sure Google could detect the language by analysing the content anyway.