Background: I have worked w/ a consultant to build an Apex rest endpoint, and its working well.
Now I am adding some basic error handling, by putting the insert / update statements into try/catch blocks. If there is an exception, I would like to log it to a custom object. I have a simple utility class that can take an exception and a few optional parameters and it will do the logging.
Question: I've been flummoxed because the error log records are not being created if I throw the exception. Looking in the debug logs I can see that the writetoLog method is being called, and that it rolls back due to a fatal error, which has me thinking that throwing the exception results in the entire transaction being rolled back, including the logging, which I validated on another post on StackExchange.
I found one article on that suggested using a future method to handle the logging - would that address this issue?
I have a hunch that throwing a custom exception might be another alternative, but dont know if that is in fact the case.
So my question is: what are the simplest ways to catch the exception, log it to a custom object, and throw an exception (as else the transaction returns as a success, instead of an error).
The code is below. If I comment out throw e
and instead return a string of the error message, the error log is created successfully, so I know there are no underlying permissions issues.
global static string CreateContact(WebContactData wcd){
WebContact__c wc = TranslateToInternalModel(wcd);
Insert wc;
return wc.Id;
}catch(exception e){
utils_logging.writeToLog(e, wcd.FormType, JSON.serializePretty(wcd));
throw e;