We are in the process of architecting our SFMC. Our SubscriberKey will be our POS vendor's CustomerID. The only problem is that there are potentially hundreds of duplicates created in our database due to improper searches in store on the register. A store employee will improperly search for a customer, fail to locate, and create a new profile. A few questions need answering before we move forward:
Does email click/open behavior get tied to SubscriberKey or email address?
Is there a way to make associations between multiple subscriber keys? I.e. CustomerID 111 and 222 are really the same person with the same email address, so when looking at browse behavior OR sales data (sales tied to both 111 and 222 profiles) can we reference both SubscriberKeys and look for sales data in another DE and output both profile's history?
I know I'm probably not providing enough detail, but if you think you can help please ask me to refine my question to your needs!