In my test class i have the creation of a dummy custom setting and a dummy lead:
Group g1 = new Group(Name='group name', type='Queue');
insert g1;
QueuesObject q1 = new QueueSObject(QueueID =, SobjectType = 'Lead');
insert q1;
SetOwner__c mycs = SetOwner__c.getValues('standardset');
if(mycs == null) {
mycs = new SetOwner__c(Name= 'CustomValues');
mycs.OwnerId__c ='00520000000z3PrAAI';
insert mycs;
Lead lead = createNewLead(;
insert lead;
MIXED_DML_OPERATION, DML operation on setup object is not permitted after you have updated a non-setup object (or vice versa): SetOwner__c, original object: QueueSobject: []
I get this error because i am trying to perform DML on setup and non-setup objects in the same transaction.
Any solution for this problem?