Run Script After Sandbox Creation and Refresh
To make your sandbox environment business ready, automate data manipulation or business logic tasks.
At sandbox creation, specify a single Apex class to perform the tasks. This class executes every time the sandbox is copied.Lightning interface of sandbox post-copy script specification
Create an Apex class that implements SandboxPostCopy and specify the class here. For example, the following Apex class simply reports the three contexts available in SandboxPostCopy: your organization ID, sandbox ID, and sandbox name:
global class HelloWorld implements SandboxPostCopy {
global void runApexClass(SandboxContext context) {
System.debug('Hello Tester Pester ' + context.organizationId()
+ ' ' + context.sandboxId() + context.sandboxName());
// Test Class
class testHelloWorld{
static void testSandboxPostCopyScript() {
HelloWorld apexclass = new HelloWorld();
Test.testSandboxPostCopyScript(***apexClassName***, 'orgID', 'sandboxID', 'sandboxName');
System.assertEquals(1,1,'Test something');