Rest API parameter are case-sensitive, Like User_Id and user_id are not interchangeable. But are services URLs also case-sensitive?
2 Answers
As per salesforce documentation:
The URL mapping is case-sensitive. A URL mapping for my_url will only match a REST resource containing my_url and not My_Url.
Also if you are packaging your REST Service in a managed package your package namespace prefix is also case-sensitive.
The URL for a namespaced classes contains the namespace. For example, if your class is in namespace abc and the class is mapped to your_url, then the API URL is modified as follows: In the case of a URL collision, the namespaced class is always used.
In above example if your namespace is abc you can't use ABC, Abc or any other variation of upper/lower case namespace.
I agree to Amit and its true about custom API.
But for standard API the URI are case insensitive. (except the id part)
For ex: send request to any of following uri and it still returns valid result
- /services/data/v35.0/sobjects/Account/0019000001AWn2oAAD
- /services/data/v35.0/sobjects/AccOunt/0019000001AWn2oAAD
- /services/data/v35.0/sobjects/ACCOUNT/0019000001AWn2oAAD
But if you try with case insensitive ID it will not work. for ex.
- /services/data/v35.0/sobjects/Account/0019000001AWn2oAAd
- /services/data/v35.0/sobjects/AccOunt/0019000001aWn2oAAD
- /services/data/v35.0/sobjects/ACCOUNT/0019000001AWN2o
PS: for this simple test i used workbench but you can use any client and it should work
Sort of. If you mess up the case of an ID, salesforce tends to complain about it.– sfdcfox ♦Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 16:35
1Yes, even with IDs length 18. You'll get a MALFORMED_ID error if you change any single character's case in the ID. Try it out for yourself.– sfdcfox ♦Commented Jul 5, 2016 at 17:27
@sfdcfox, thank you for the comment, it was helpful. Also this leads me to new question… . Please take a look at it when you get time. Thanks. Commented Jul 6, 2016 at 6:26