The IsLocked field is not currently exposed via the API or SOQL, but there's an idea on the IdeaExchange to add that functionality.
In the meantime, you can work around that by created a custom field on the object called In_Approval_Process__c, and edit your approval process to set this field when the record is submitted for approval and clear it after approval is complete.
You can't totally hide or disable the buttons, but you can prevent them from doing anything. Switch the button's Content Source from URL
to Execute Javascript
and do something like the following:
var linkUrl = '/whatever/your/button/url/would/have/been';
var isLocked = {!sObject.In_Approval_Process__c};
if (isLocked) {
alert('This record is locked for approval. Please try again after it has been accepted.');
} else {
window.location.href = linkUrl;