I'm faced with the same problem.
I'm doing an aura:iteration to create a list of < th > with an onclick="{!c.func}". Since I don't know how to pass a paramater to said func, I was using the data attributes.
Come LockerService, it stopped working.
I've asked somewhat the same question and got a reply that it's a known SF issue and they're working on it:
And there's already an open case about it:
Either way, I found a workaround for now:
Creating a mini component which extends the original component (thus has access to the same JS Controller and helper), and putting the < th > with onclick as the markup of the new component.
After that replacing all the < th > in the original component with instances of this new mini component, and instead of using a data attribute, just pass the value as a parameter to the inner component.
Once the function gets called from one of the inner components, it will raise an application event to be caught by all the other instances of the inner component to check whether their 'key argument' matches whatever was fired by the event, and perform the appropriate action (add/remove class in my case, on objects I now have access to due to not being inside the aura namespace).
Here's some code (hopefully didn't miss anything copy pasting):
<aura:event type="APPLICATION">
<aura:attribute name="containerGId" type="String" />
<aura:attribute name="fieldName" type="String" />
<aura:attribute name="containerGId" type="String" />
<aura:attribute name="fieldName" type="String" />
<aura:registerEvent name="appEvt" type="c:appEvent" />
<aura:handler event="c:appEvent" action="{!c.catchSomething}" />
<th aura:id='columnHeaders' onclick="{!c.fireSomething}">{!v.fieldName}</th>
<aura:iteration items="{!v.fieldNames}" var="fieldName">
<c:innerComp containerGId="{!globalId}" fieldName="{!fieldName}" />
fireSomething : function(component, event, helper) {
catchSomething : function(component, event, helper) {
var evtContainerGId = event.getParam("containerGId");
var cmpContainerGId = component.get("v.containerGId");
if (evtContainerGId === cmpContainerGId) {
var cmpFieldName = component.get("v.fieldName");
var evtFieldName = event.getParam("fieldName");
var headerElement = component.find("columnHeaders").getElement();
if (evtFieldName === cmpFieldName) {
$A.util.addClass(headerElement, 'slds-is-sorted');
else {
$A.util.removeClass(headerElement, 'slds-is-sorted');
fireSomething : function(component) {
var appEvent = $A.get("e.appEvent");
var containerGId = component.get("v.containerGId");
var fieldName = component.get("v.fieldName");
appEvent.setParams({ "containerGId" : containerGId, "fieldName" : fieldName });