How can you set a default value for the following field on Opportunity?
Field: Stage
Default value: "Stage 1 - Qualified"
there are two ways to set a default value for the following field on Opportunity
Through Trigger you can do like
trigger OpportunityTrigger on Opportunity (before insert) {
for(Opportunity opp:{
//You can setup stage name here
opp.stagename = 'Stage 1 - Qualified';
Try the below process
/{!Opportunity.Id}/e?opp11=Stage 1 - Qualified
NOTE: You can give any value in the place of "Stage 1 - Qualified" as Default Value.
and Lastly Save the Button and Put this button in the Layout and Hide the Standard Button
Now whenever you click this button, your opportunity will be open with the Stage Name as "Stage 1 - Qualified"
Hope this might helps...
To make the field value default you have to just tick the checkbox saying "Make the first value default" as shown in the screenshot.
Workflows and Triggers won't work if you are creating an opportunity. You will have to design a new VF page and create a custom new button.
You can use Quick Actions to use as a workaround.