There are teachers and students. I want to assign a group of students to a particular teacher. So I am displaying a list of students with checkboxes and allowing a teacher to check a checkbox for a particular student and add them in a group.
So here I am adding all students in a list and passing this list from lightning controller to a server side controller (i.e.apex class).
This was working perfectly in winter 16 release but now as I am tracking through entire scenario only first selected student is getting added under a teacher. In lightning controller, I am getting entire list but in apex method I am able to receive only first object from list. Here I want entire list of students which has been checked by teacher.
Following is lightning controller code:
addStudentGroup: function(component, newGroup, Students, teacherId) {
// alert('helper save');
var self = this;
console.log(Students); // Here I am getting entire list of all students selected by teacher
console.log('teacherId==>' + teacherId);
var action = component.get("c.createStudentGroup");
"newGroup": newGroup,
"Students": Students,
"teacherId": teacherId
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
console.log('state >> ' + response.getState());
if (response.getState() == 'SUCCESS') {
The code for createStudentGroup(apex method) is as follows:
public static Group__c createStudentGroup(Group__c newGroup, List < Student__c > Students, string teacherId) {
//Create Group
insert newGroup;
system.debug('Students:' + Students.size()); //Here I am getting single student object not all selected by teacher
StudentGroup__c studentGroup = new StudentGroup__c();
studentGroup.Teacher__c = teacherId;
studentGroup.Group__c = newGroup.Id;
insert studentGroup;
if (Students != null) {
system.debug('groupId-->' + newGroup.Id);
List < Teacher_Student__c > TSQ = new List < Teacher_Student__c > ();
for (Integer i = 0; i < Students.size(); i++) {
Teacher_Student__c TssQ = Students[i];
TssQ.Group__c = newGroup.Id;
try {
upsert TSQ;
} catch (DmlException e) {
System.debug('** Error ');
return newGroup;