I am trying to embed a lightning component inside a visualforce page -
MytestVFPage visualforce page-
<apex:outputPanel >
<div id="lightning" />
$Lightning.use("c:createAccountGlobalApp", function() {
function(component) {});
**createAccountGlobalApp** container -
<aura:application access="GLOBAL" extends="ltng:outApp">
<aura:dependency resource="c:CreateAccount"/>
**createAccount** component -
<aura:component >
<div class = "container">
<ui:button label="Lightning button" press="{!c.createAccountButton}"> </ui:button>
createAccountController.js controller
createAccountButton : function(component, event, helper) {
createAccountHelper.js helper-
createRecord:function(component) {
var createRecordEvent = $A.get("e.force:createRecord");
"entityApiName": "Account"
When I click on the UI button inside visualforce page it throws an error -
"Something has gone wrong. Action failed: c$CreateAccount$controller$createAccountButton [TypeError: Cannot read property 'setParams' of undefined] Failing descriptor: {c$CreateAccount$controller$createAccountButton}. Please try again. "
Can you please help what is wrong here?