I have a custom visualforce component with a controller, it takes an attribute of an Id of a related record, and in the controller I query for the set of objects I want to display.
When I attempt to dereference this list inside an <apex:repeat />
tag I get some strange behavior. Am I totally missing something?
public without sharing class VIPCommissionProgramAtSitesController {
public Id accreditationStandardId {get; set {
accreditationStandardId = value;
linkedServiceStandardLocations = [SELECT Id, Program_At_Site__r.Program__r.Name, Program_At_Site__r.Site__r.Name,
Service_Standard__r.Service_Standard__c, Accreditation_Standard__c, Program_At_Site__c
FROM Linked_Service_Standard_Location__c WHERE Accreditation_Standard__c = :accreditationStandardId];
System.debug(LoggingLevel.WARN,'Selecting LSSL: '+linkedServiceStandardLocations.size());
public List<Linked_Service_Standard_Location__c> linkedServiceStandardLocations {get; private set; }
// The service standard locations to which this AC_Standard__c IS linked
public Map<Id, Boolean> appliesToLinkedServiceStandardLocation {get {
Map<Id, Boolean> retVal = new Map<Id, Boolean>();
for (Linked_Service_Standard_Location__c lssl : linkedServiceStandardLocations) {
retVal.put(lssl.id, false);
return retVal;
} set;
<apex:component controller="SitesController" allowDml="true">
<apex:attribute name="stdid" type="String" required="true" assignTo="{!standardId}" description="description" />
<apex:repeat value="{!locations}" var="lssl">
<apex:outputText value="{!lssl.Id}" />
The output repeat is empty?
However, when I output some text inside of the repeat I get repeated statements:
<apex:component controller="VIPCommissionProgramAtSitesController" allowDml="true">
<apex:attribute name="acStandardId" type="Id" assignTo="{!accreditationStandardId}" description="id of the accreditation cycle to render linked program at sites for" />
<apex:attribute name="accreditationStandardTitle" type="String" description="description" />
<div class="modal-content" id="{!accreditationStandardId}-modal">
<div class="modal-header">
<div style="min-height:500px; margin-top:45px;">
<h3>Please provide a <strong>Site Visit Justification</strong> for this rating.</h3>
<div class="coa-tabs-wrapper">
<ul class="coa-tabs">
<li class="coa-tab coa-modal-tab active">
<a href="#view-by-programs-{!accreditationStandardId}">View by Programs</a>
<li class="coa-tab coa-modal-tab">
<a href="#view-by-sites-{!accreditationStandardId}">View by Sites</a>
<div class="coa-tabs-pane-wrapper">
<div id="view-by-programs-{!accreditationStandardId}" class="coa-tabs-pane active">
<apex:repeat value="{!linkedServiceStandardLocations}" var="lssl">
<apex:outputText value="{!lssl.Id}" />
<div id="view-by-sites-{!accreditationStandardId}" class="coa-tabs-pane">
<div class="modal-footer" style="height: auto; padding: 20px 0;">
I've checked field accessibility on all of these fields, and the object, no problem there.
Update, I've posted a complete version of my controller / component as this is really confounding me!
In the debug log, I've confirmed that linkedServiceStandardLocations
does infact return 7 results, and also by outputting the 'Map' of the list, appliesToLinkedServiceStandardLocation
, shows 7 text values. However, when I attempt to do:
{!linkedServiceStandardLocations} anywhere on the component, the whole page crashes.
setter? I've had better luck with that approach.public String standardId { get; set { locations = /*query*/; standardId = value; } public List<MyObject__c> records { get; private set; }
the data is correct but VF merge fields don't work!? When I return it as a list I can't get merge fields to work and attempting to just render the list redirect the whole page crashes!ID
, notString
although that isn't the cause of the issue here. (2) Since this is aSites
controller, then I would surmise that the site'sguest user
doesn't have visibility to the custom object'sID
field .