i have a JavaScript array and i want to send it as an argument to a remote method using javascript remoting , here is the javascript array:

  var quizQuestions  = [
            type: "multiple",
            text: "Quelles sont les sanctions pour lesquels un entretien préalable est obligatoire ?",
            possibilities: [
                questionMultiple:"Rupture anticipée pour faute grave",
                possibilities: [
                    answer: "Oui"
                    answer: "Non"
            selected: null,
            correct: null
                possibilities: [
                    answer: "Oui"
                    answer: "Non"
            selected: null,
            correct: null
                questionMultiple:"Mise à pied disciplinaire",
                possibilities: [
                    answer: "Oui"
                    answer: "Non"
            selected: null,
            correct: null
            selected: null,

            type: "multiple",
            text: "Pour chaque type de visite médicale, préciser les délais de passage des visites :",
            possibilities: [
                possibilities: [
                    answer: "avant la fin de la période d'essai"
                    answer: "dans les 8 premiers jours"
                    answer: "avant la prise de poste"
            selected: null,
            correct: null
                questionMultiple:"Après une absence d’au moins 30 jours pour cause d’accident du travail,de maladie",
                possibilities: [
                    answer: "avant la fin de la période d'essai"
                    answer: "dans les 8 premiers jours"
                    answer: "avant la prise de poste"
            selected: null,
            correct: null
                questionMultiple:"Surveillance médicale des travailleurs handicapés",
                possibilities: [
                    answer: "avant la fin de la période d'essai"
                    answer: "dans les 8 premiers jours"
                    answer: "avant la prise de poste"
            selected: null,
            correct: null
            selected: null,

is it possible to send it as an argument ? and if yes how to handle it in the remoting method in the controller ?

thank you

1 Answer 1


You can consider parse it as a JSON string and send it as a string parameter to server. And at the server side, you can deserialize it via Apex. You need to define a custom wrapper class to hold the value.

Reference: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.apexcode.meta/apexcode/apex_class_System_Json.htm

  • can you explain more please i am new to salesforce and did not catch all what you have said
    – user28829
    Commented Apr 24, 2016 at 13:13
  • @MerabtiIbrahim Are you new to programming as well?
    – Lance Shi
    Commented Apr 24, 2016 at 13:15
  • No really i am doing oriented object programming for while . did you mean that i an pass it directly like that ' Visualforce.remoting.Manager.invokeAction( 'ApexRemoteActionPageController.myContacts', quizQuestions, function(result, event){ } ' as an argument
    – user28829
    Commented Apr 24, 2016 at 13:17
  • @MerabtiIbrahim It would be easy then. Take a look at developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/… . You need to stringify the object as a string and pass that string as a parameter. And in your apex class. You can deserialize that string into an array of custom objects
    – Lance Shi
    Commented Apr 24, 2016 at 13:19

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