I am looking for a way to conditionally render HTML based on the value of a field on an opportunity. I have taken multiple stabs at it but can't figure out where I'm going wrong. First I tried to work everything through one visualforce page using an IF statement, but then decided it may work better if I utilized components as well as a page.
Here's what I have, any guidance would be appreciated.
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity"
IF(!opportunity.Contact_Attempts__c > 3,
Components: - both use same code, just different message
<apex:component >
h1 {text-align:center;color:green;font-size: 20px;width:100%;margin:0 auto}
#container {width:100%;margin:0 auto;text-align:center;}
<div id="container">
<br />
<h1> This prospect is still viable. Continue outreach. </h1>