Hi I will have to migrate code,reports and metadata between 2 unrelated orgs and I have concerns regarding few components.
I remember having problems while deploying report folders. I had to create the folders manually in production. I think it was caused by the fact that the folder was created in sandbox by a user that didn't exist in production.
If I deploy reports via ANT/Eclipse should I expect similar pains?
approval processes
Another problem I experienced when deploying to related orgs via changeset was being unable to deploy an approval process and a new queue it was using in the same step. Will the problem occur when I move code to the brand new Salesforce instance? Should I prepare 2 migration tasks? Will I have to deploy all actions (field updates email templates) separately?
Similar one. What if my processes reference particular users that obviously don't exist in the new org. Will I have to replace the user data in the xml one by one with some temporary value and edit the process after migration
What are the best practices when migrating orgs. Are there occasions when one deployment isn't enough ant components need to be split in several bundles for the Migration tool.