Good day everyone I have some problem in regards with using dynamic query with too many variables. To explain further below is some part of my code.
String QueryString = '';
List<List<String>> whereInList = new List<List<String>>();
WhereInList.add(new List<String>{'FirstName','0'});
WhereInList.add(new List<String>{'LastName','1'});
WhereInList.add(new List<String>{'Email','2'});
Map<String, Set<Object>> mapWhereField = new Map<String, Set<Object>>();
mapWhereField.put('FirstName',new Set<Object>{'Anna','Mary','John'});
mapWhereField.put('LastName',new Set<Object>{'Doe','Kendrick','Jane'});
mapWhereField.put('Email',new Set<Object>{'[email protected]','[email protected]','[email protected]'});
QueryString += 'Select Id,FirstName,LastName,Email FROM Contact WHERE ';
for(List<String> whereObject : whereInList) {
Set<Object> whereData = mapWhereField.get(whereObject[0]);
Set<String> tempWhereList = new Set<String>();
for(Object parsedField: whereData){
tempWhereList.add((String) parsedField);
//System.debug('tempWhereList : ' + tempWhereList + ' size : ' + tempWhereList.size());
QueryString += whereObject[0] + ' IN :tempWhereList AND ';
System.debug('The WHERE QUERY' + QueryString.substring(0, QueryString.length()-4));
return Database.query(QueryString.substring(0, QueryString.length()-4));
Based on the sample code above the System debug looks like this:
Select Id,FirstName,LastName,Email FROM Contact WHERE FirstName IN :tempWhereList AND LastName IN :tempWhereList AND Email IN :tempWhereList
When I try to run my code it return no result(0 column).The thing that i'm confuse is that I am expecting to get some result because some of this data is already in salesforce. I've tried to query it in workbench and I've seen the records. This is how I put it in the workbench.
Select Id,FirstName,LastName,Email FROM Contact WHERE FirstName IN ('Anna', 'Mary', 'John') AND LastName IN ('Doe','Kendrick','Jane') AND Email IN ('[email protected]','[email protected]','[email protected]')
My question is this, does my variable data is overriden because it has only one name ? What is the best solution to fix this using a similar concept of what I did? Please Help. Thank you