I have a custom button on my Account detail page called Change. I need to call a public method which is in a public with sharing class. What I have learned is that we can access the method using sforce.apex.execute if and only if the method is web service of a global class.


1 Answer 1


You have already answered your own question. You can only call Apex from a Javascript Button if your class is global and your method is webservice. This question already has an answer here.

I can certainly understand a reluctance to go global. Your alternative, if you would like to execute your Apex methods while leaving them public, is to instead make a Visualforce button and call the methods from a controller extension.


<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="AccountChangeExtension"
    action="{!executeApex}" />


public with sharing class AccountChangeExtension
    final Account record;
    final PageReference view;
    public AccountChangeExtension(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
        record = (Account)controller.getRecord();
        view = controller.view();
    public PageReference executeApex()
        return view;


public with sharing class AccountServices
    public static void doSomething(Account record) { }

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