I am currently using this formula in a checkbox field:
(TODAY() - LastActivityDate) <= 30
Is it possible to do this with the Notes & Attachments related list?
Would it be:
(TODAY() - NotesAndAttachments) <= 30
I am currently using this formula in a checkbox field:
(TODAY() - LastActivityDate) <= 30
Is it possible to do this with the Notes & Attachments related list?
Would it be:
(TODAY() - NotesAndAttachments) <= 30
If you are open to learning dlrs (free managed package written by @AndrewFawcett), you can get the data you need without writing a single trigger or batch. An example of how to do so is included below:
(and a separate rollup for Note
(won't work without this part)Last
(most recent, whereas First
would be least recent)Most_Recent_Attachment__c
Not sure if you can roll them both up to the same field, or if you will have to roll them up separately and then use a third formula for the checkbox. Your formula will then look like:
NOW() - Most_Recent_Attachment__c <= 30,
NOW() - Most_Recent_Note__c <= 30
You can calculate the most recent value for all records in your org by hitting the Calculate
button on the Lookup Rollup Summary
detail page.
Standard Salesforce functionality does not allow any modification to Note and Attachment object.
Best Approach to create Attachment trigger can be: Create trigger from Developer console.
You need to click New -> Apex Trigger -> Then you can select SObject as "Attachment" from dropdown.
A trigger can be written on Attachment using Force.com IDE.
A sample code would be:
trigger mostRecent on Attachment (after insert) {
List<Account> parentList = new List<Account>();
for(Attachment att: Trigger.new){
//check for object for which you want this condtion
if(String.valueOf(att.parentId).substring(0,3) == '001')
Account acc = new Account(id=att.parentId);
parentId.fieldname__c = system.today();
update parentList;
Once you have that value filled you can create your formula to calculate most recent logic.
comparison to get sObjectType