The ask is to sync the event details from Salesforce Public Calendar with SharePoint Calendar. This should happen when an event is created in SF. I would like your views on the feasibility of using Outbound Messages to achieve this. The SharePoint is internal to the Enterprise and the users are authenticated via the directory.

I had also investigated on the Sunlight search which is in Pilot but seems it is to search documents across both SF & SharePoint. I could not make much headway. Any pointers would certainly help.

  • while this is a perfectly reasonable question, it's not something that's appropriate for this site. Please review the faq for more details. Commented Apr 28, 2013 at 20:37
  • Thanks Ralph; however it is for sure something to do with Salesforce integration with SharePoint. I reviewed the FAQ and did not find anything which is objectionable related to this question. It falls with in the purview of an Administrator/Developer who had done this previously and could help me understand the steps.
    – KaLi
    Commented Apr 29, 2013 at 4:59
  • 1
    You've got a point, our faq appears to be a little out of date, check out this meta discussion. Some tips to improve the question so it doesn't feel like you're asking us to do your homework. List out what research you've already done, and try narrowing it down to a specific question. Would be happy to upvote this after that Commented Apr 30, 2013 at 23:13


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